Wednesday, October 2, 2013


From December 1992, through January 1993, for well over a month, the French version of the American game show "The Price Is Right" (FremantleMedia) rigged, cheated the spin of the wheel at the end of each show; the wheel would spin longer, shorter spin, sudden stop! [In the mid 1990's actor and director Robert Redford made a movie about "FRAUD" (based on a true story) regarding a game show, some 60 years ago. I contacted his publicist, public relations and, with recommended hand written letters, his "Legal" representation (Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum Morris & Klein). NO answer! ]. During the past years, among scandalls, FRAUD,  "The Price Is Right" remains "UNTOUCHABLE" for hiding the truth, even this VERY MOMENT .......

Due to neurological problems (due to multiple AVM's), was the trouble communicating. Within the first few years I simply called and wrote, somewhat, mainly about the "cheating". I'd try speaking as correctly as possible on the phone, and letters (a few letters each month), and "improving" as time goes by, simply adding or retrieving,  allthough still hesitating or remaining without words, or taking a month or two  to revise what I've wrote, and still, many times I realize that for a simple phrase, the meaning is totally different.
I first contacted the French press, notably stations TF1, then FRANCE 2 & 3 from 1993 til 1996, not to mention letters from 1994 til 1996. A young lady (who works for France 2) knew and divulged to me about the complaints she received by TV spectators who called and complained regarding "cheating", and many "denouncing" the corrupt TV program, allthough host of the show denies. I've tried to communicate with attorneys, my first letter written to Melvin Belli . I've wrote to Politicians, not responding. Even writing to President François Mitterand. No answer.

In 1998, phone calls and letters to the New York Times, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, PRnews, etc... At "TIME" magazine, I spoke to an operator. Surprised about what I told her she had me speak to a responsibe of "French Affairs", "M". I mentioned "FRAUD" and "the" game show". She passed me to another operator! That operator told me that I needed proof, evidence! Among calling "other" news magazines, I wrote letters to "M", and sent a statement, with my ID and Bank account#, to prove to her that I wasn't joking! Even trying too get awareness from the public, on December 16th, 2001, in New York City, at NBC's "TODAY" show 'live' by standing with a tall and huge French flag (a bunch of cardboards stuck together), with all accusations in the front and back of the flag. A police officer did warn me of possible warning to put down the flag because of it's size! They had me put the flag down! On Dec.17th I was again at NBC, very early, to get my "FRONTLINE" spot. The center of attraction was surrounded with small barrier-fences, and many had their picture taken (NBC.pix, and which they have a "two second" footage of me smiling holding the sign) before they started "shooting" (but also to know who was present, for security reason's). This time, with a small poster board; HO! HO! HO! on one side and "A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL" on the other. During TV commercials the camera-men would go around filming the public. But as the "camera" slowly approached (and with a big smile) I flipped the sign upwards (they were two signs back to back) and accused "THE PRICE IS RIGHT" of cheating!

Starting 2003, millions of e-mails to press. I wrote to Politicians; automated answers. Even to "thousands" of lawyers, (considering that I must past through them to denounce and pursue corruption in THE gameshow). The only published article I found was "EAST BAY Express" journal, the "Letters for the week" of December 31, 2003 - "January 6,"2004 Life stinks" and which ends "A STATEMENT OF FACTS OR FIGURES ASCERTAINED BY INVESTIGATION" and ends "Your All Blind". Positive answers (every government site,, precisely "4" incouraging me to report to local authorities. The e-mails where I did not mention "France" were the "positive". Among "NSA" type agencies, some answered with two letters, until "France" was mentioned, then the same routine ("We urge you to contact local authorities..."). The Press: After 2005 "congested", "clogged" many company sites around the world, some even "jammed", especially in 2008, thinking they would respond, with my identification (vincidaleonardo, zefrenchy;,,, Tossed thousands of flyers, 2 times, from the Eiffel Tower before solliciting 2 "fake" bombs to attract attention ( The 1st time in Paris, in 2006; no one knew, a few months locked in a psychiatric ward. The 2nd time in 2008, San Francisco (Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein), where I was asked by an attorney to "talk it over"( while going up in the elevator I had a moment thinking who I wrote to, talked to, with no logical explanation, convinced that attorneys do represent the LAW). I decided to trust the press. I responded no. The "press" TOTALLY LIED, UNTRUE  ON WHAT WAS STATED, PURE STORY-TELLING!!!!! Among articles; local newspaper wrote that I was angry because "not chosen" to be on "the gameshow". I was jailed over a year. Both times I asked the evacuation of everyone, then surrendered to authorities.

"During a bit more then a year (the time I spent jailed), half of my time was spent in Napa State Hospital. A couple of weeks after my arrival I noticed an error on the "Trial Competency Workbook"(to study and taking test to see if competent or not to stand trial), 5th question concerning the five pleas: Guilty, No Contest, Not Guilty, Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, Not Guilty/Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity. I mentioned "error"; all smiles, in one ear, out the other! Three months had passed. One day Dr. Slater asked what should we review. I mentioned the five pleas. Smiling at me he said that he'd save"my"question for last. In short, he gives the final answer "Not Guilty/Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity".Abruptly, I answered "No! Not Guilty/Guilty by Reason of Insanity"! With a grinful smile, Dr. Slater said quickly "let me see that"! He grasped the booklet from my hands, looked over the paragraph and started bending forward saying that he "will adjust the problem". There was more than one error in the booklet. After they transfered me to another unit I was told by Dr. Weibel that he was in process of making changes in the booklet, easier to understand, with graphics, with "others" going over the questions and making changes in "over" 30 units in Napa. In the psychiatric report they described me as "delusional"!

Numerous days of September 2007, the French version of the game show "Wheel Of Fortune" (Roue de la Fortune, at 19:10, evening) seemed slightly distorted at, again, the "spin of the wheel ": sudden stop, specially the 14th (3 times) and 17th, and 4+ more times, the 21st and 23rd. The only difference between the "PRICE" and "WHEEL" is the 1rst was "CORRUPT", the wheel "tampered with",etc... the 2nd simply needed "oil" (many episodes would be recorded in one day, thats why more days were shown. They corrected quickly). Copies of those shows are not sold.

Here, below, is the "one" letter to FremantleMedia. Others that followed, but they never answered too:
_ _ _ _ _/

"Le Juste Prix"?
De : s a (
Envoyé : sam. 05/01/08 17:47
À :

Cc :

Dear "Fremantle":

I'm searching for copie of "Le Juste Prix" (French version of "The
Price Is Right") dated the 2nd week of December, 1992, the television
station TF1, with Philipp Risoli and hosteses Dominique, Sonia, and
Isabel. Since more than an episode were recorded, I will purchase
several minutes of each of the "recorded shows", precisely, at the
"spin of the wheel", (with all contestants) at the end of each show.
Does "Fremantle" still have copies of those episodes? Alexander

----- Original Message -----
To: <
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: "Le Juste Prix"

Hello Alexander.
Thank you for your e mail.
I should be able to assist you with your request. I will need to make a few enquiries with the tape library, to see what we have available. I should have this information within a couple of days. I the meantime, I was wondering if you would not mind providing me with a little information about your project. Also what rights are you looking for?
When I hear anything from the library, I will of course get back to you.

Kind regards

Wayne Lovell

Sales Executive
Fremantle Archive Sales
T: 0207 691 6790
F: 0207 691 6080

_ _ _ _ _/

Year 1987:  April 6, the group Bouygues is chosen by the CNCL (National Commission of the Communication and Liberties). Conglomerate Bouygues & Lagardère own TF1. FremantleMedia (then Pearson Television) acquired the Grundy group of companies in 1995, (CEO Grundy/PearsonTV France, FremantleMedia. Société à responsabilité limitée (Corporation to limited responsibility) (SRL); 1001-5 000 employés; secteur Production audiovisuelle, august 1993– august 1999 (6 years 1 month). [FremantleMedia also previously leased the entire Goodson-Todman library (with The Price is Right)].

Whatever the "complexity" in these "Multi Conglomerate" transactions,  whatever the laxity attorneys investigate for a systematic search for "the truth", or "Goodson-Todman" not expressing there opinion on the matter,  "FremantleMedia", responsable of managing an international conglomerate, with its presence in many countrys, proliferated its name accross the world and therefore, it's rules and regulations, assuming that it's trust is confirmed, like in any country of freedom (like France teaching Liberty, Fraternity, Equality), and since I have "never" been able to "reason" with French authority's, that's when the "source" (the "trigger", the last titles, company names imprinted in me) comes in, FremantleMedia.

The statutory right is a rule laid down by government authority; if fraud is committed, I have the statutory right, as citizen, to denounce such act. It is unconstitutional "not to proceed" such right as American. If the statutory right is ignored (in this case constantly) it is violating the law. To purchase the rights and to not respect the use is breaking the LAW. I'VE ASKED FOR HELP, NO LEGAL ANSWER HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO ME, other then a few professionally written refusals. "AUTHORITIES" (the LAW) tells me to continue to seek counsel in case of possible delays, and to act because of the statute of limitations, year after year!

I continue to seek counsel in a case which is "non existent"... I can't address a letter to wayne.lovell of and having to respond a lie to him to recieve what I want. I NEVER RECEIVED A POSITIVE, CLEAR RESPONSE FROM ANYONE! I wrote my last letter to Jugde Chan, through Mrs. "D". After waiting a while for a response (nearly a month), I sent a message of reminder. She wrote: "Hi Antonio, It is not permissible for Judge Chan to give you advice on your case. For that reason, I decline to send this email to him". I wrote back to Mrs "D": Dear Mrs. "D", Please forgive me for "asking". I didn't know. Last month I sent you an e-mail (april 8th) for Judge Chan and which you told me "You can email me your letter and I can forward it to Judge Chan". Did the Jugde read the letter? The reason; I'm still waiting for the Judge to answer because "ATTORNEYS" are not available to me for hiring. Asking the Judge to use his influence on the "right to hire an attorney" against corruption. If the Judge can't help me, who can? Awaiting response". Mrs. "D" won't respond to my letters anymore. Has the "judge" received the letters, or they never arrived to destination?

"To "TF1"(where it all started) I've inundated their site "insisting", asking lawful gait to obtain copies, archives, recorded cassettes, videos of these "transmissions", of the "TV show" since the early 90's. Til my last "communication", TF1 refuses and denies having any of the copies available, because of legal procedures." Along with "FremantleMedia", all the proof is in their possession!

During these years of "writing, sending and waiting", I've worked on personal projects; the personal pool (no engine) all for charity, the Chinese Olympics, suggested (while the flame went through Paris and San Francisco) that many people should "toss" water balloons at the flame, or making good suggestions for Japan(TO RENDER "MASS OF WATER UNIFIED", YET "THICKER" TO PREVENT INFUSION". I received from <> of the "International Atomic Energy Agency", passing "my" email to their technical team for their consideration. And most recently protections, avoiding water from entering in households, buildings, etc....
all for charity!   Those are episodes that are a part of life. But I haven’t forgotten what the LAW is and Represents. In this case, being "ignored" from the begining, while stating the truth to everyone, even the "LAW" is avoiding "life", the very existence of being.!

In a new emergency in Modesto, in 1992, nurses fastened my arms and legs and would leave me "screaming within" while shaking my head "back and forth, from "left to right, , and discovered by my family with no nurses in the vicinity, various times. I was brought to France with my parents. I started writing letters, although with "broken reasoning". During many years I improved my vocational skills, speeking without stuttering. But only months after hospitalization, in late 1992, I'd be watching a "television game show" while having lunch with my parents and which attracted my attention, leaving everything else aside, including being wrongfully treated at the emergency. Since my "awakening" I've experienced what no other has experienced; the "LAW" being "misinterpeted", somewhat"unlawful".

MILLIONS of  "LEGALS/ATTORNEYS" becoming authors writing books on "what FRAUD is" and allthough no one has "positively" replied to my letters,  along with touching words, phrases, "justifiable poems" that firms use in their publicity to make "poetry" into legal terms,  and naturally, MILLIONS of people, ALL in their rights (many forgotten), and others ignored in most cases, allthough, many more problems exist more then ever! Among the people I tried to "hire", Forensics Investigations "Tracy Coenen" or  "Denise Bambrough" of BLG <Fraud Law Group> or "We don't do game-show litigation" said a "partner" , at "Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein", or "Shegerian & Associates, Inc.", who recently won a case against the gameshow and "SIMPLY" do not answer to my e-mails, allthough the most "spectacular event, for everyone to see" <FRAUD> was committed, never with such "longevity", in the 21st century!!!!!  My last experience was accessing "my account" on a "web site" (a known firm; clothing, accessories) and finding "anothers" name, home address, although I've changed my password numerous times. Yesterday, 03/11/2013, I received an e-mail concerning an order  "1" month ago; [Translation French to English,] "Hello Mr Scardina, I ACKNOWLEDGE receipt of your mall which kept all my attention. I  inform you that we had a computer malfunction.  This is the reason there was a confusion with another of our customers, and I am grieved some.  I reassure you, I put your file to date and your address, your order of an amount of 24.25€. ", and ends "I hold again to present you our most sincere excuses for the difficulties that you've encountered on our site and with your order."..........EPILOGUE:  After telling "my" part of the story, within "2 weeks" they investigated & confirmed before concluding, allthough "ATLAS" informed me, the 04/07/2013 ; <I inform you that effectively, we are not in measure to address yourself a new password, is the reason your account internet was eliminated, I regret it. On the other hand, I confirm you that you can create a new account on our site.> , in otherwords, historical background and items (many still under "another persons name" .... (A STATEMENT OF FACTS OR FIGURES ASCERTAINED BY INVESTIGATION).  Opposite (since 1992, WORLDWIDE) ADMINISTRATION and ATTORNEYS (THE LAW) HAVE DONE NOTHING!!!!  With MILLIONS of Attorneys/Lawyers defending THE LAW, this "PLANET" should be "PARADISE"! ! ! ! !

The law has ignored the submission of proof, stating where and how the evidence is available, since 1992 in France, and since 1998 in the U.S.A, simply by reviewing the "dozens" of copies. Having "all" in my hands and no one grasping!  Besides responding to "articles" on the subject "Fraud" by many "attorneys",  I've endured, tolerated "all" refusals, until now!  It's even been 2011 or 2012 that I went for a check-up at the dentist, and by error of judgement, drilled inside a tooth saying that the nerve was dead, and closed the "hole"...To this very day the tooth is infected, but because of partial paralyses it feels when eating making sure I don't "bite" or add "pressure" in "that" part of the mouth....WHY NOT SEE A DENTIST?????  ANSWER: Until my "QUESTIONS" are answered, until "THE" Law does it's job!!!!!

I am looking for "who" can prove unlawful ends engaged through out the years and to have the facts verified, Truth & Justice", point....... a TRUE Legal, he who uses every tool, not to show, but to prouve an exsisting FACT!  PLEASE VERIFY IF I AM STATING THE TRUTH!  SIMPLY VERIFY THE GAMESHOW.........

Dear Mr. PRESIDENT: I plead to you to accept a belief that has been wrongfully ignored, yet present, more then ever, in our society...FRAUD!
Attention from the "LAW", that is all I want for this "ignored" case!

Antonio A. Scardina



    1. They're "ALL" Ignorant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
